Downspouts Near Your Foundation
Downspouts discharging near the foundation is the #1 deficiency we observe during our inspections. This presents as disconnected downspouts from buried lines, short splash blocks, or no simply no extensions at all. This condition generally puts water against the foundation. Water against the foundation can cause:
- moisture intrusion thru foundation walls
- erosion around and under the footings
- settling at sidewalks, porches, and patios
- standing water in crawlspaces
- sump pumps to operate frequently
While this condition can cause many other significant issues, the deficiency is generally easy and inexpensive to resolve. The most reliable method is solid black tile extending 6-10 feet into the yard. Buried drain lines are also effective but tend to have fewer failures when they are solid PVC instead of solid black tile.
Call, text, or email if you need an inspection or have further questions. You can schedule a home inspection online here.Â