Hey, it’s Josh. Just here to explain why getting an inspection is essential, even on a brand-new build. So this is the second time we’ve been out at this house. The first time we did a pre-drywall inspection, we came out and checked everything that you couldn’t see during the final inspection, right?
We look at the foundation, framing, and all that, and we found some cracks in the foundation. Like over here. They’ve got those addressed and fixed. And so they went ahead and finished, and here we are back to do the final just as they’re wrapping up. So they’ve got a handful of things that still need to be done, but they’re pretty close. I think they’re going to close next week, but something’s happened since the last time I was here. And I’m going to show you what it was. So this electrical panel had its initial inspection, its rough-in inspection on 4-27-22. And since then, they’ve recalled these electrical panels.
I think in June, they announced the recall, and the recall does affect this particular panel. So I double check the model number. You can check it there from the website yourself if you’d like. But they recall this electrical panel. And yet still, it was approved right here yesterday.
So the electrical inspector came out and approved the panel. So everything’s good to go. The only problem is, is it is a recalled electrical panel. And so everything’s not good to go. So even though they’ve got inspection stickers, all that’s done. So we’re not always looking for exactly the same thing.
So I encourage you to get an inspection on any house you buy on any investment you make, like this. Let someone that’s been in this industry for a while. Come out, inspect your home and give you all the information they can find about it. All right. Thanks, guys.