Recommend Contractors

Spectora now provides a feature allowing the display of contractor recommendations alongside comments on identified defects, such as plumbing or deck issues. Wish to recommend your trusted local deck contractor by name? Now you can!

You have the freedom to list the contractors you trust directly in the report, sharing their name, logo, and contact information. This way, your clients or you can easily reach out for a quote.

glass front gas fireplace

  Ensuring Safety Around Glass-Front Gas Fireplaces Understanding the risks and preventive measures to protect your loved ones. The Hidden Danger Gas fireplaces with glass fronts provide warmth and aesthetic appeal but pose significant burn risks. The glass can reach extremely high temperatures, remaining hot long after the fireplace is turned off. This presents a […]

Resources & Legal Protections for Renters in Louisville, KY Reporting Health and Safety Violations: Contact the Property Maintenance Division for health or safety violations: Call (502) 574-2508 or use the online form. Provide detailed descriptions and relevant attachments. Source Landlord Responsibilities & Tenant Rights: Landlords must ensure habitable living conditions, including necessary utilities and facilities. […]