Recommend Contractors

Spectora now provides a feature allowing the display of contractor recommendations alongside comments on identified defects, such as plumbing or deck issues. Wish to recommend your trusted local deck contractor by name? Now you can!

You have the freedom to list the contractors you trust directly in the report, sharing their name, logo, and contact information. This way, your clients or you can easily reach out for a quote.

gaps around overhead garage door

Identified Defect: Our recent inspection highlighted the presence of gaps between the trim and masonry around the overhead garage door. While often overlooked, these gaps can be pathways for moisture, potentially leading to damage over time. Importance and Safety Implications: While the gaps themselves do not pose immediate structural concerns, the potential for moisture intrusion […]

tripped breaker

Identified Defect: During the inspection, it was observed that one or more of the circuit breakers had been tripped. Circuit breakers are safety devices designed to protect your electrical system from damage by automatically shutting off the flow of electricity when an overload or short circuit is detected. Importance and Safety Implications: While tripped breakers […]