Recommend Contractors

Spectora now provides a feature allowing the display of contractor recommendations alongside comments on identified defects, such as plumbing or deck issues. Wish to recommend your trusted local deck contractor by name? Now you can!

You have the freedom to list the contractors you trust directly in the report, sharing their name, logo, and contact information. This way, your clients or you can easily reach out for a quote.

gaps around exterior fixtures

Sealing Gaps at Exterior Fixtures During routine home maintenance, identifying and addressing minor issues like gaps around exterior fixtures can prevent unnecessary wear over time. While these gaps are often small, they can be pathways for moisture, potentially leading to subtle damage if left unchecked. Importance of Regular Maintenance Keeping up with small maintenance tasks, […]

Improper sink vent

Identified Defect: During our recent inspection, it was noted that the vent for the kitchen sink, located within the island, was not installed to extend high enough. This setup can impact the overall efficiency of the sink’s drainage system. Importance and Safety Implications: An improperly installed vent can lead to several functional issues, including slow […]

smoke detector battery

Recommendation: One critical step to ensure safety before moving into a new home is installing batteries in all smoke alarms. Smoke alarms play a vital role in early detection of fires, significantly increasing the safety of occupants by providing crucial time to evacuate in case of an emergency. Importance of Smoke Alarms: Functional smoke alarms […]